Kuong, John Chi-fong(鄺梓楓)


Professor John Kuong is an Associate Professor of Finance (with tenure) at CUHK Business School since 2024. Prior to CUHK Business School, he was an assistant professor at INSEAD, teaching Corporate Financial Policy in the MBA programme, and Research Topics in Corporate Finance and Corporate Finance Theory in the PhD programme. John has obtained a PhD in Finance from the London School of Economics, an MSc in Financial Economics from the Toulouse School of Economics, and a BBA from the University of Macau. He has also completed a PhD research internship at the International Monetary Fund in Washington D.C. His main area of research is banking and corporate finance. His recent research investigates the fragility of the modern collateral-based banking system, the design of central clearing, and frictions in non-bank financial intermediation.

Teaching Areas

Corporate Finance
Capital Markets

Research Interests

Corporate Finance
Financial Intermediation
Information Economics
Market Microstructure

  • Awards & Honours
    • INSEAD Dean’s Commendation for Excellence in MBA Teaching, 2020
    • SIX Best Paper Award at SGF conference, 2019
    • Winner of Best Paper Awards in CSEF 2nd conference on “Bank Performance, Financial Stability and the Real Economy” at Capri, 2015
    • Winner of Deutsche Bank Prize in Financial Risk Management and Regulation, 2014

Liu, Chao(劉超)


Professor Chao Liu is an Assistant Professor of Finance at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) Business School. He obtained his Ph.D. in Finance from Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management and holds a Master’s in Economics as well as a Bachelor’s degree in History and Economics (double major) from Peking University. His research interests include household finance, real estate, development economics, and economic history.

Teaching Areas

Corporate Finance

Research Interests

Household Finance
Real Estate
Development Economics

  • Grants
    • SFS Cavalcade North America PhD Student Grant, Society for Financial Studies, 2024
    • Kellogg Financial Institutions and Markets Research Center Research Grant, Kellogg Financial Institutions and Markets Research Center, 2021
  • Awards & Honours
    • Doctoral Fellowship, Northwestern University, 2018–2024
    • Award for Integrity, Peking University, 2016
    • China Economic Research Scholarship, National School of Development, 2016
    • Graduate Academic Scholarship, Peking University, 2015–2017
    • May Fourth Scholarship, Peking University, 2013

Tang, Nai-pan(鄧鼐斌)


Professor Nai-pan Tang (NP) is Professor of Practice in Finance.  He concurrently serves as director and chairman of the Risk Committee at the Board of Bank of China International, and director of the Financial Dispute Resolution Center under the HK Government.  NP was named Honorary Certified Banker by HK Institute of Bankers in 2022.

NP served for three decades in banking after teaching as Assistant Professor in Finance at the Chinese University of HK (CUHK) and at McGill University. In banking, NP has taken management roles in Treasury, Financial Products, Global markets and Risk Management in Hong Kong, Shanghai and Singapore.

Before rejoining CUHK, NP’s was Director, Deputy/Alternate CEO, Chief Risk Officer (CRO), and Vice Chairman of Asset Management in a major Chinese bank. NP also served as Executive Committee member in the HK Institute of Bankers (HKIB), and chaired “Economic and Financial Market Research Committee” in the Chinese Banking Association of HK.

NP’s previous research was in Derivatives Pricing and Econometrics, his current interests are in China offshore markets and risk management.  He aims to combine theory and practical experience to share with students.

Teaching Areas

Capital Markets and Financial Instruments
Management of Financial Institutions
Risk Management

Research Interests

China Offshore Markets
Risk Management

  • Academic/Professional Services
    • Member, Finance Committee, HK Arts Center 2020-present
    • Director, Financial Dispute and Resolution Center, 2022-present
    • Chair, “Economic and Financial Market Research Committee”, Chinese Banking Association of HK, 2021-2023
    • Executive Committee Member, HKIB 2019-2022
    • Director, HKIB, 2019-2022

Tseng, Kevin(曾俊凱)


Professor Kevin Tseng is an Associate Professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) Business School. He previously taught at the National Taiwan University (NTU) as the EMBA Alumni Elite Chair and the Chen-Yung Outstanding Scholar. Before joining NTU, he was a Financial Economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond and an Assistant Professor at the University of Kansas’ School of Business.

Professor Tseng has a broad research interest. He has published in the areas of knowledge spillover, asset pricing, disclosure, innovation, corporate finance, and behavioral economics. His articles have appeared in leading scholarly journals, including The Journal of Finance, the Journal of Accounting and Economics, Review of Financial Studies, The Accounting Review, Management Science, the Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Contemporary Accounting Research, and the Journal of Economics and Management Strategy. In 2022, he received the MOST Outstanding Research Award; in 2015, he received the WFA Cubist Systematic Strategies PhD Candidate Award for Outstanding Research.

Teaching Areas

Financial Statement Analysis

Research Interests

Information Disclosure
Asset Pricing
Corporate Finance
Behavioral Economics

  • Awards & Honours
    • MOST Outstanding Research Award, 2022
    • Early-Career Investigator Research Achievement Award, Academia Sinica, 2022
    • Young Researcher Award, Taiwan Econometrics Society, 2022
    • Young Researcher Award, Taiwan Risk and Insurance Association, 2022
    • E. Sun Academic Award, E.SUN FHC & National Taiwan University, 2021-2023
    • Best Paper Award, TFA Annual Meeting, 2018, 2020-2022
    • Best Paper Award, Management and Practice Conference, 2021
    • Chen-Yung Outstanding Scholar, National Taiwan University, 2020
    • EMBA Alumni Elite Chair, National Taiwan University, 2020
    • Best Paper Award Semifinalist, Financial Management Association (FMA) Annual Meeting, 2018-2019, 2023 (*2)
    • Best Paper Award, Asian Finance Association (Asian FA), 2016
    • Ph.D. Candidate Award for Outstanding Research, Western Finance Association (WFA), 2015
    • PhD Forum Best Paper Award Second Prize, Australasian Finance and Banking Conference (AFBC), 2014
  • Academic/Professional Services
    • Ad-Hoc Referee, Review of Financial Studies, Management Science, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Contemporary Accounting Research, Research Policy, Review of Corporate Finance Studies, Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of Empirical Finance
    • Organising Committee, 2019 TFA Asset Pricing
    • Programme Committee, Northern Finance Association (NFA), Financial Management Association (FMA), Financial Management Association Asia/Pacific (FMA Asia), Southern Finance Association (SFA)

Su, Yang(蘇陽)


Prof. Su is an Assistant Professor of Finance at the Chinese University of Hong Kong Business School.

His main research interests include public finance, real estate, banking and Chinese financial markets. In his current research agenda, he focuses on municipal finance and the interactions between government financing behaviors, real estate market and the real economy. Prof. Su is also interested in the information and moral hazard issues in the banking industry.

Teaching Areas


Research Interests

Municipal Finance
Real Estate
Chinese Financial Markets

  • Awards & Honours
    • Bradley Fellowship, University of Chicago, 2023
    • Liew Fama-Miller Fellowship, University of Chicago, 2020&2019
    • Gold Medal in the 51 China Mathematics Olympics, China, 2010

Luo, Dan(羅丹)


Prof. Luo is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Finance at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) Business School. Before joining CUHK in 2023, he was a postdoc researcher at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. He received his PhD degree in Finance from Stanford Graduate School of Business, and Master in Economics and Bachelor of Economics degrees from Tsinghua University. His primary research interests are corporate finance, microeconomic theory, and China economy.

Teaching Areas


Research Interests

Corporate Finance
Microeconomic Theory
China Economy

  • Awards & Honours
    • Charles River Associates Award For the Best Paper on Corporate Finance, the Western Finance Association, 2023
    • Best Research Paper Award in Finance , Research Symposium on Finance and Economics, 2023
    • “Best paper in finance theory on the job market” first prize, the Finance Theory Group (FTG), 2022
    • The Brattle Group PhD Candidate Awards for Outstanding Research, the Western Finance Association, 2022

Jeung, Jinoug(鄭鎮旭)


Prof. Jinoug Jeung is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Finance at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) Business School. He received his PhD in Finance from Emory University, MS in Finance from Seoul National University, and BS in Mathematics and Economics from The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST). His research focuses on banking, FinTech, and household/public finance.

Teaching Areas

Financial Markets

Research Interests

Household Finance
Public Finance

Huang, Guo-bo(黃國波)


  • Chief Investment Officer of CNIC Corporation Limited since 2017, responsible for its global M&A investments.
  • Director General and head of State Administration of Foreign Exchange of China (SAFE) Reserve Management Department during 2002-2016, responsible for global asset allocation, investment operations and risk management of China’s foreign reserves.
  • Chief Economist and Vice Chairman of investment committee of SAFE concurrently during 2008-2016.
  • Substantiated professor of the City University of Hong Kong, senior fellow of the Asian-Pacific Financial and Forecasting Research Centre, and coordinator of EF Department’s undergraduate and postgraduate programmes before 2000.
  • PhD from the University of Birmingham in the UK , Master degree from the PBCSF of Tsinghua University, and Bachelor degree from Peking University.

Teaching Areas and Research Interest

Global Asset Allocation and Management
Alternative Investments
Mergers and Acquisitions
Multinational Financial Management
Central Banking
International Financial Institutions and Markets
Exchange Rate Determination and Risk Management
Money, Banking and Investments in China

  • Academic/Professional Services
    • Member, Advisory Investment Committee, Bank of Thailand, 2018-present
    • Expatriate finance expert, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of China, 2000-present
    • Adjunct professor, the PBCSF Finance College, Tsinghua University, China, 2000-present

Chen, Jun(陳軍)


Prof. Jun Chen is an Assistant Professor at the CUHK Business School. His research interests lie in corporate finance, financial accounting, and household finance. His latest projects have focused on the real effects of information in financial markets. He received his PhD in Finance and MFin degrees from Rady School of Management of the University of California San Diego, and BS in Mathematics from Peking University.

Teaching Areas

Data Analytics
Machine Learning

Research Interests

Corporate Finance
Financial Accounting
Household Finance

Ahn, Changhyun


Changhyun Ahn joined the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) Business School in 2022 as a Research Assistant Professor of Finance. He received PhD in finance from the University of Florida, MA in Statistics from the University of California, Berkeley and BBA from Korea University. His research focuses on political economy, charitable organizations, public finance, and sustainability.

Teaching Areas

Fixed Income Securities

Research Interests

Corporate Finance
Political Economy
Corporate Social Responsibility

  • Publications & Working Papers
    • Changhyun Ahn and Chanik Jo, “Racial Disparities in Public Financing for Affordable Housing”
    • Changhyun Ahn and Rawley Heimer, “The Wealth Draw-down of the Fabulously Rich: Insights from Private Family Foundations”
    • Changhyun Ahn, Chanik Jo and Sing-Sen Lam, “Safe Jobs, Risky Investments: Employment Protection and Household Portfolio Choices”
    • Changhyun Ahn, Joel F. Houston and Sehoon Kim, “Hidden in Plain Sight: The Role of Corporate Board of Directors in Public Charity Lobbying”, Management Science, R&R
    • Changhyun Ahn, Jae Yung Kim and Jonbsub Lee, “Home Bias in U.S. Politics”
    • Changhyun Ahn, “Demand for Campaign Funds and the Value of Political Connections”
  • Grants
    • “Climate-Conscious Underwriting in Municipal Bonds,” General Research Fund, Research Grants Council (RGC) of Hong Kong, HKD 638,000, 2025-2027
    • “Who cares about regulatory risks? Evidence from Congressional hearings,” General Research Fund, Research Grants Council (RGC) of Hong Kong, HKD 436,318, 2024-2026