Chen, Zhi(陳植)

BE (Tsinghua); PhD (NUS)

Assistant Professor


Department of Decisions, Operations and Technology

Room 952, 9/F
Cheng Yu Tung Building
12 Chak Cheung Street
Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong

+852 3943 9322


Prof. Zhi Chen is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Decisions, Operations and Technology, CUHK Business School, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. He obtained his PhD from NUS Business School, National University of Singapore and his BE from Tsinghua University, China.

His primary research involves developing models and designing algorithms for analytics under uncertainty with different levels of data availability as well as applications in business, economics, finance, and operations. He is also interested in how to compete or cooperate in joint activities such as resource allocation and risk management. His works appear in journals such as INFORMS Journal on Computing, Management Science, Operations Research, Production and Operations Management, Mathematical Finance, Transportation Science, and TRB.

Teaching Areas

Business Analytics
Data Mining & Machine Learning
Operations & Supply Chain Management
Risk Management

Research Interests

Analytics under Uncertainty
Data-Driven Analytics
Risk Management
Robust Optimisation

  • Grants
    • “Theory and Applications of Robust Optimization” Excellent Young Scientists Fund awarded by National Natural Science Foundation of China with RMB 2,000,000, 2025-2027 (Principal Investigator)
    • “A Distribution-Free Model of Time Series”, General Research Fund awarded by Hong Kong Research Grants Council with HK$414,059, 2024-2025 (Principal Investigator)
    • CUHK “Improvement on Competitiveness in Hiring New Faculties” Funding Scheme awarded by The Chinese University of Hong Kong with HK$1,500,000 (Principal Investigator)
    • “Robust Mechanism Design with Limited Information”, General Research Fund awarded by Hong Kong Research Grants Council with HK$925,120, 2023-2025 (Principal Investigator)
    • “Financial Systemic Risk Measures based on Monte Carlo Simulation: Theory and Methods”, NSFC/RGC Joint Research Scheme awarded by National Natural Science Foundation of China & Hong Kong Research Grants Council, 2022-2025 (Co-Investigator)
    • “A Python Algebraic Modeling Package for Robust Optimization”, Strategic Research Grant awarded by City University of Hong Kong with HK$100,000, 2021-2023 (Principal Investigator)
    • “The Hurwicz Criterion for Data-Driven Decision-Making under Uncertainty”, Early Career Scheme awarded by Hong Kong Research Grants Council, HK$628,950, 2020-2023 (Principal Investigator)
    • “Risk Sharing under Distributional Ambiguity: Stability, Inequality, and Monotonicity”, Start-Up Grant awarded by City University of Hong Kong, with HK$300,000, 2019-2022 (Principal Investigator)
  • Awards & Honours
    • College Research Excellence Award, College of Business, City University of Hong Kong, 2022
    • Finalist, George E. Nicholson Student Paper Competition, INFORMS, 2017
  • Academic/Professional Services
    • Reviewer for INFORMS Journal on ComputingManagement Science, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Operations Research, Production and Operations Management, Mathematics of Operations Research, Mathematical Programmin, Naval Research Logistics, Operations Research Letters, SIAM Journal on Optimization, TRB, TRE, Transportation Science, ICLR, ICML, and NeurIPS.