Jiang, Griffin Wenxi(江文熙)
BA, MS (Renmin); PhD (Yale University)

Associate Professor
Contact Room 1210, 12/FCheng Yu Tung Building
12 Chak Cheung Street
Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong
+852 3943 3732
Prof. Wenxi (Griffin) Jiang joined The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) Business School in 2015 as an Associate Professor in Department of Finance. He obtained a PhD in Financial Economics from Yale University in 2015 and a bachelor’s degree from Renmin University of China in 2007. His research interests include asset pricing, institutional investor, and behavioural finance. His research papers appear at the Journal of Econometrics, Journal of Finance, and Review of Financial Studies. He teaches undergraduate course FINA 3010 Financial Markets at CUHK and is the recipient of the Faculty Teaching Excellence Award (2017-18).
Teaching Area
Financial Markets
Research Interests
Asset Pricing
Financial Institutions
Investor Behaviour
Climate Finance
Chinese Financial Markets
- Selected Publications
- J. Cai, J. He, W. Jiang, and W. Xiong (2020), “The Whack-A-Mole Game: Tobin Taxes and Trading Frenzy,” Review of Financial Studies, forthcoming.
- W. Jiang (2020), “Investment Funds in China.” In The Hand-book of China’s Financial System (Chapter 15), edited by Marlene Amstad, Guofeng Sun and Wei Xiong, Princeton University Press, ISBN 9780691205847.
- D. Choi, W. Jiang, and Z. Gao (2019), “Attention to Global Warming,” Review of Financial Studies, 33.3, 1112–1145.
- T. Chen, Z. Gao, J. He, W. X. Jiang, and W. Xiong (2019), “Daily Price Limits and Destructive Market Behavior,” Journal of Econometrics, 208.1, 249-264.
- H. Hong, W. X. Jiang, N. Wang, and B. Zhao (2014), “Trading for Status,” Review of Financial Studies, 27(11), 3171-3212.
- J. Chen, H. Hong, W. X. Jiang, and J. Kubik (2013), “Outsourcing Mutual Fund Management: Firm Boundaries, Incentives, and Performance,” Journal of Finance, 68(2), 523-558.
- Awards & Honours
- Faculty Teaching Excellence Award, CUHK Business School, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2022-2023