Li, Robert Xiang

PhD (Texas A&M University)

Fung King Hey Memorial Professor of Tourism Management
Director, School of Hotel and Tourism Management


School of Hotel and Tourism Management

Room 706, 7/F
Cheng Yu Tung Building
12 Chak Cheung Street
Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong

+852 3943 8780


Professor Xiang (Robert) Li is the Fung King Hey Memorial Professor of Tourism Management and Director of the School of Hotel and Tourism Management at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) Business School. Before joining CUHK, Professor Li was a professor and Arthur F. McGonigle Senior Fellow of the School of Sport, Tourism and Hospitality Management at Temple University. While there, he founded and directed the U.S.–Asia Center for Tourism and Hospitality Research (2016–2024) and chaired the Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management (2020–2023). Professor Li was previously a tenured professor in the University of South Carolina’s School of Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Management.

A renowned expert in destination marketing and tourist behavior, Professor Li has published extensively on international destination branding, customer loyalty, and U.S.-Asia tourism exchanges. He has more recently turned his attention to tourism’s effects on society and personal well-being, particularly mental health. He has authored nearly 270 scientific publications, including over 80 papers/editorials published in top-tier tourism, business, leisure, and hospitality journals. His academic work has been recognised through over 30 research awards, including as a two-time recipient of the prestigious Charles R. Goeldner Article of Excellence Award (Journal of Travel Research). Professor Li has been consistently listed among the top contributors to leading tourism and hospitality journals and/or the field’s most-cited scholars. One study (Cao, Jeon, Tang, & Wang, 2022) named him as the world’s No. 2 most productive scholar based on tourism papers published in six top tourism and hospitality journals during 2010–2019. Since 2019, he has been ranked among the top 2% of researchers in the area of Sport, Leisure, and Tourism and among the top 100,000 researchers worldwide. Professor Li has edited/is editing 11 special issues/columns for nine journals. He currently holds various editorial responsibilities for 14 journals, including serving as an Associate Editor of Tourism Management (impact factor: 10.9).

Professor Li’s expansive tourism research has been awarded more than USD$2.6 million in funding. He has worked with major organisations, government agencies, and corporations such as the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC), United States Department of Commerce/National Travel and Tourism Office, Destination Canada, China’s Ministry of Culture and Tourism (formerly National Tourism Administration), the United States Travel Association, and the National Tour Association. He has also collaborated with numerous destination marketing organisations and companies, including Philadelphia International Airport, Walt Disney Parks and Resorts, and Universal Studios Hollywood. Under his leadership, Temple’s U.S.–Asia Center for Tourism & Hospitality Research became one of only four universities globally recognised as a knowledge partner of the WTTC. His work has been featured by numerous media outlets: New York Times, USA Today, Associated Press, Washington Post, Time, The Economist, Los Angeles Times, Forbes, The Globe and Mail (Canada), and China Daily, among others. Professor Li was elected Second Vice President of the Travel and Tourism Research Association in July 2024; he will serve a four-year term progressing through the roles of First Vice President, President, and Chair of the Board. He holds/has held adjunct or visiting faculty appointments at universities in Australia, Hong Kong, and Mainland China. He is a frequent speaker at both academic and industry conferences as well.

A native of Nanjing, China, Professor Li earned his Ph.D. in Recreation, Park and Tourism Sciences from Texas A&M University, where he recently earned the Leslie M. Reid Award. This honour recognises “international contributions and exemplary leadership in tourism sciences” by a graduate of the Department of Hospitality, Hotel Management and Tourism (formerly the Department of Recreation, Park and Tourism Sciences). Before his academic career, Professor Li worked for five years as a destination marketing, event organising, and tourism planning specialist in the city tourism bureau of Nanjing, China.

Research Interests

Destination Marketing and Tourist Behaviour
Tourism’s Role in Society and Personal Wellbeing
Knowledge Development

  • Grants
    • “Key Participant” (equivalent to Co-Principal Investigator). Study on tourist instantaneous affective intelligence and arousal dynamics in smart cultural tourism. #72472008. Funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China. (Jan.2025- Dec. 2028)
    • Principal Investigator. Philadelphia International Airport passenger experience study. Funded by Philadelphia International Airport. (July 2024-June 2025). (July 2023-June 2024). (July 2022-June 2023). (July 2021-June 2022).
    • Principal Investigator. An Analysis of the trend in the U.S. travel market to China. China National Tourist Office-Los Angeles. (Oct. -Dec. 2023).
    • Co-Principal Investigator. A decision support system for post-covid tourism policy formation and monitoring. #2021.A6.177.21B. Funded by Public Policy Research Funding Scheme, Policy Innovation and Co- ordination Office, HK Government, Hong Kong, P. R. China. (Nov. 2021- May 2023).
    • “Key Participant” (equivalent to Co-Principal Investigator). The process, pattern, and mechanism of the ruralism-ecology space of urban agglomerations evolution led by tourism. #41930644. Funded by the Key Program of the National Natural Science Foundation of China. (Jan. 2020.-Dec. 2024).
    • “Key Participant” (equivalent to Co-Principal Investigator). Entangled evolution of psychological ownership and knowledge co-creation in tourism big data era: A perspective from quantum ontology. #71974010. Funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China. (Jan. 2020.-Dec. 2023).
    • “First Participant” (equivalent to Co-Principal Investigator). Examining the damage, spillover effect and countermeasures of outbound tourism-related negative events on source country’s brand image. #19BGL142. Funded by the National Social Science Foundation of China.. (July 2019 – June 2022).
    • Principal Investigator. The role of brand equity in US traveller’s path to purchase. Funded by Destination Canada (formerly the Canadian Tourism Commission). #167065. (Mar.2018- June. 2019).
    • Co-Principal Investigator. Literature Review of Outdoor Recreation Economic Impact Studies. Funded by Travel Oregon. (April. 2018-Aug. 2018).Principal Investigator. The China U.S.-Travel monitor program. Jointly funded by the National Tour Association, the U.S.-Asia Center for Tourism & Hospitality Research, Temple University, and the 2016/17 CIBER International Business Research Award, Center for International Business Education and Research, Temple University. (Sept. 2017-Mar. 2019). [Additional project sponsors: NYC & Company; California Tourism Commission; USI Affinity]
    • “First Participant” (equivalent to Co-Principal Investigator). Preference analysis of Chinese inbound tourists-a choice set approach. #17TABG006. Funded by China National Tourism Administration. (April 2017-April 2018).
    • Principal Investigator. Local Community’s Perception and Sentiment towards Shanghai Disney Resort (Qualitative assessment). Funded by the Shanghai International Theme Park Company Limited. (Mar. 2016- Sept. 2016)
    • Principal Investigator. Local community’s perception and sentiment towards Shanghai Disney resort. Funded by the Shanghai International Theme Park Company Limited. (Dec. 2014 – June 2016).
    • “Key Participant” (equivalent to Co-Principal Investigator). Concept mapping methods and applications for smart destination marketing from the perspective of service-dominant logic. #71471011. Funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China. (Jan.2015- Dec. 2018).
    • “First Participant” (equivalent to Co-Principal Investigator). Research on feature, mechanism and regulation of spatial conflict of world heritage site from perspective of tourism crowding. #41471129. Funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China. (Jan.2015- Dec. 2018).
    • Principal Investigator. Establishing a China U.S.-Travel monitor program. Jointly funded by National Tour Association, and Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Travel & Tourism Industry Center. (June 2014 – Feb. 2016). [Additional project sponsors: Hawaii Tourism Authority; NYC & Company; California Tourism Commission; Visit Orlando]
    • Co-Principal Investigator. Resident sentiment of tourism: Construct and model development. #155024. Funded by the Research Grants Council General Research Fund (GRF). Hong Kong Government, P. R. China. (Nov. 2014- Oct. 2016).
    • Co-Principal Investigator. A comprehensive visitor profile, economic impact and destination image study for Patriot’s Point and the USS Yorktown: Fall, spring and summer data collection. Funded by the Patriots Point Naval & Maritime Museum. (Sept. 2013 –Sept. 2014).
    • Co-Principal Investigator. A comprehensive visitor profile, economic impact and destination image study for patriots point and the USS Yorktown. Funded by the Patriots Point Naval & Maritime Museum. (Feb. 2013-Aug. 2013).
    • Co-Principal Investigator. Development of a comprehensive and systematic plan for management, branding, and sustainability of South Carolina’s four national byways Funded by the SC National Heritage Corridor/Duke Energy. (Oct. 2012 – Sept. 2013).
    • Principal Investigator. Examining local residents’ attitude toward the development of Shanghai Disneyland Resort. Funded by the Shanghai International Theme Park Company Limited and College of Hospitality, Retail, and Sport Management, University of South Carolina. (May 2011- Sept. 2013).
    • Principal Investigator. Establishing a Japan travel trade barometer program. Jointly funded by the National Tour Association and Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Travel & Tourism Industry Center. (Nov. 2009-Nov. 2010). [Additional project subscribers: U.S. Department of Commerce/Office of Travel & Tourism Industries (OTTI), NYC & Company; California Tourism Commission; Philadelphia Convention & Visitors Bureau; Colorado Tourism Office]
    • Co-Principal Investigator. A development and economic impact study of the South Carolina National Heritage Corridor, including the Edgefield and Blackville Discovery Centers. Funded by the South Carolina National Heritage Corridor and Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Travel & Tourism Industry Center. (March 2009 – July 2010).
    • Principal Investigator. Evaluating the Japanese outbound tourism market. Jointly funded by U.S. Department of Commerce/Office of Travel & Tourism Industries (OTTI), National Tour Association, and Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Travel & Tourism Industry Center. (Sept. 2008- Sept. 2010). [Additional project sponsors: Hawaii Tourism Authority; NYC & Company; Walt Disney Parks and Resorts; California Tourism Commission]
    • Principal Investigator. American baby boomers’ travel behavior and destination preferences. * Funded by the China National Tourism Administration. (Mar. 2008- Feb. 2009).
    • Co-Principal Investigator. A strategic tourism plan for the Salkehatchie Region, South Carolina. Funded by the Western Carolina Higher Ed. Commission and USDA. (Sept. 2007- May 2008).
    • Co-Principal Investigator and Project Manager. A study on the Mainland Chinese outbound tourism market.* Jointly funded by the U.S. Department of Commerce/Office of Travel & Tourism Industries (OTTI), Travel Industry Association of America (TIA), and Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Travel & Tourism Industry Center. (June 2007 – May 2009). [Additional project sponsors: ARDA International Foundation; Anaheim/Orange County Visitor & Convention Bureau; Arizona Office of Tourism; California Travel and Tourism Commission; The Florida Keys & Key West/Monroe County Tourist Development Council; Greater Miami Convention and Visitors Bureau; LA Inc.; Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority; Universal Studios Hollywood; NYC & Company; Orlando/Orange County Convention and Visitors Bureau, Inc.; Pennsylvania Tourism Office; San Diego Convention and Visitors Bureau; San Francisco Convention and Visitors Bureau; Tennessee Department of Tourist Development; Texas Tourism; VISIT FLORIDA; Walt Disney Parks and Resorts]
    • Principal Investigator. Examining the antecedents of tourist destination loyalty: The case of South Carolina. Jointly funded by HRSM Faculty Support Research Grant (2006-2007). College of Hospitality, Retail, and Sport Management, University of South Carolina, and the South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism. (Nov. 2006. – July 2007).
  • Awards & Honours
    • Ranked among Elsevier BV’s list of the world’s top 2% of researchers in the field of Sport, Leisure and Tourism and the top 100,000 researchers worldwide, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024
    • Leslie M. Reid Award, for “international contributions and exemplary leadership in tourism sciences” by a graduate of the Department Hospitality, Hotel Management and Tourism (formerly Department of Recreation, Park, and Tourism Sciences), Texas A&M University, 2024
    • Ranked the World’s No. 5 most productive scholar contributing to tourism destination research published in 56 SSCI journals in the tourism category during 2000-2020 by Huant et al., 2023
    • Best Track Chair Award, 2023 Global Marketing Conference at Seoul, for the track “Envisioning the Digital Future of Tourism and Hospitality” co-chaired with Drs. Hongbo Liu (University of Surrey), Lu Lu (Temple University), Kevin So (Oklahoma State University), and Sameer Hosany (Royal Holloway University of London)
    • The 2023 Journal of Travel Research Charles R. Goeldner Article of Excellence Award, for paper titled “How to “Read” a Destination from Images? Machine Learning and Network Methods for DMOs’ Image Projection and Photo Evaluation” (with Z. He, D. Ning, & H. Gu)
    • Ranked among the world’s top 100,000 scholars (No. 91245) in 2022 in terms of academic impacts. The ranking is among all scholars who published papers in the past 30 years. A total of 354 scholars in the field of Business Administration were selected.
    • Ranked the World’s No. 2 most productive scholar contributing to tourism papers published in six top tourism and hospitality journals during 2010-2019
    • Ranked No. 20 among the world’s top 50 most productive scholars between 2000-2019 to twelve leading hospitality and tourism journals, by Wong, Koseoglu, and Kim, 2021
    • Best Track Chair Award, 2020 Global Marketing Conference (virtual), for the track “Service innovation and emerging technologies in tourism and hospitality” co-chaired with Dr. Kevin So (University of South Carolina)
    • The 2019 Tourism Tribune Article of Excellence Award, for paper titled 本土化研究的争议与边界——兼论对中国本土化旅游研究的几点思考(Debates and boundaries: A commentary on developing tourism- related indigenous research in China). (with G. Chen)
    • 2019-20 Faculty Senate Service Award (FSSA), which “recognize[s] meritorious service to the University and the Community”, Faculty Senate, Temple University
    • Second Prize. (18TAL05). 2018 Outstanding Research Achievements (tourism), Ministry of Culture and Tourism, P. R. China (2018年文化和旅游部优秀研究成果(旅游类). for paper titled How smart is your tourist attraction? : Measuring tourist preferences of smart tourism attractions via a FCEM-AHP and IPA approach. Published on Tourism Management
    • Ranked No. 39th among the world’s top 50 most prolific and influential authors in the tourism, leisure, and hospitality fields, based on the number and citations of journal articles in the Web of Science, by Mulet-Forteza, Genovart-Balaguera, Mauleon-Mendez, and Merigó, 2019
    • Best Track Chair Award, 2018 Global Marketing Conference at Tokyo, 2018, for the track “Customer Engagement in Tourism and Hospitality Services” co-chaired with Dr. Kevin So (University of South Carolina)
    • Ranked No. 4th (tie) in contributing the most to China tourism research published in international journals in the four selected journals (ATR, JoST, JTR and TM) between 1979 and 2015 by Bao et al., 2018
    • Faculty Member of the Game. Recognized at the Temple versus Drexel University basketball game on December 16, 2017 at The Liacouras Center.  Department of Athletics and the Office of the Provost, Temple University
    • The 2016 Tourism Tribune Article of Excellence Award, for paper titled “文化距离对旅游目的地选择的影响——以日本和中国大陆出境游为例 (The Influences of national cultural distance on international destination choice of Japanese and Chinese residents)” (with Y. Yang and H. Liu)
    • Ranked No. 3rd in publishing China-related tourism and hospitality research on leading tourism and hospitality journals (2008-2017) by B. Bai (2017)’s “China tourism and hospitality research: A bibliometric analysis” (keynote speech delivered on 2017 Tourism Tribune Annual Conference on China Tourism Research)
    • Conference Best Paper Award, for paper titled 换汤不换药?游客满意度测量的迷思” (Old stuff in new concoctions: The myth of tourist satisfaction measurement) (with T. Ma and Y. Xie). 2016 Tourism Tribune Annual Conference on China Tourism Research. Luoyang, China, 2016
    • Josef Mazanec Recognition Award, for paper titled “Content and sentiment analysis of travel barriers to China” (with S. Stepchenkova and A. Kirilenko). The 4th Interdisciplinary Tourism Research Conference. Bodrum, Turkey, 2016
    • Fellow. International Association for China Tourism Studies. (July 2015 to present)
    • 2014-15 USC Educational Foundation Award for Research in Professional Schools, which is the university’s “most prestigious annual prizes for research and scholarship” addressing disciplines in the schools and colleges of “Business, Education, Hospitality, Retail and Sport Management (HRSM), Law, (University) Libraries and Mass Communications and Information Studies, on the Columbia campus, and related disciplines on the two- and four-year campuses”, University of South Carolina.
    • Best Paper Award, for paper titled “Seasonal differences in the projection of destination image on social media: A case study on China’s Weibo.” (with Y. Wang, and X. Feng). The 20th Annual Graduate Education and Graduate Student Research Conference in Hospitality and Tourism, Tampa, FL, January 2015.
    • Ranked No. 22nd among key contributors to the top 3 tourism journals between 2004-2013 by Li & Xu (2015)
    • Ranked No. 38th among the world’s top 50 most cited tourism scholars who have published at least 10 cited works between 2008 and January 2014 by B. McKercher (2014)’s “A changing of the guard in tourism research leadership” report (posted on Trinet)
    • 2013 EMSIG visiting fellowship. The Emerging Markets Special Interest Group of the Australian Council for Tourism and Hospitality Education
    • 2013 Emerging Scholar of Distinction Award. In recognition of the “substantial achievements…made to tourism research and scholarship since gaining PhD.” (The award is for scholars who are ten years or less out of their doctoral degree). International Academy for the Study of Tourism
    • 2012-2013 “Best Emerging Scholar in Tourism (B.E.S.T.)” Award. In recognition of “outstanding scholarly contributions in tourism research and especially due to … focus on tourism in developing countries.” The 4th International Tourism Studies Association (ITSA) Biennial Conference, Bali, Indonesia, 2012
    • 2011 Breakthrough Rising Star. Office of Research and Graduate Education, University of South Carolina. (Featured in the Spring 2011 issue of Breakthrough Magazine)
    • The 2010 Journal of Travel Research Charles R. Goeldner Article of Excellence Award, for paper titled “The Effect of Online Information Search on Image Development: Insights from a Mixed Methods Study” (with B. Pan, L. Zhang, and W. Smith)
    • 2010 Best Research Paper Award, for paper titled “America’s destination image as seen through Chinese outbound tourists’ eyes” (with S. Stepchenkova). The 41st  Annual Conference of the Travel and Tourism Research Association. San Antonio, Texas, USA, 2010
    • Conference Best Paper Award, for paper titled “Examining the Structural Relationship between Destination Image and Loyalty: A Case Study of South Carolina, USA”. The 2nd International Conference on Destination Branding and Marketing, Macao, China, 2007
    • Faculty Award, in recognition of support and dedication to international students, 2006. Office of Student Government and the Cultural Exchange Association, University of South Carolina.
  • Academic/Professional Services

    For journals

    • Guest Co-editor (with Drs. Scott McCabe, Jun Hwa Cheah, Linda Hollebeek, Nisreen Ameen, and Rob Law). Tourism Management. Virtual Special Issue on “Fostering Responsible Generative Artificial Intelligence in Tourism” (In preparation)
    • Guest Co-editor (with Drs. Yonggui Wang, Si Shi, and Jie Meng). Internet Research. Special Issue on “Digital Transformation of Firms” (In preparation)
    • Tourism Positioning Task Force. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research. Sept. -Dec. 2021
    • Guest Co-editor (with Dr. Kevin So). Cornell Hospitality Quarterly. Special Issue on “Service Innovation and Emerging Technologies in Tourism and Hospitality” (2023, Vol. 64, Issue 2)
    • Facilitator. Journal of Travel Research. Proposing and compiling a special collection of destination marketing and management papers published by JTR as a tribute to TTRA’s 50th Anniversary
    • Guest Co-editor (with Dr. Gyan Nyaupane and Dr. Cody Paris). Tourism Review International. Special Issue on “Domestic Tourism in Asia” (2020, Vol. 24, Issue 1)
    • Guest Co-editor (with Dr. Kevin So). Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research. Special Issue on “Customer Engagement in Tourism and Hospitality Services” (2020, Vol. 44, Issue 2)
    • Guest Editor. Tourism Tribune. “China Tourism Development Forum” (A special column). (2019, Vol. 34, Issue 10)
    • Guest Co-editor (with Dr. Scott Cohen). Journal of Business Research. Special Issue on ‘Transcultural experiences within and beyond home.” (2018, Vol. 91)
    • Guest Editor. Journal of Travel Research. “Emerging-market Tourist Behavior” special issue. (2016, Vol. 55, Issue 4)
    • Gust Co-Editor (with Prof. Changhong Bai). Tourism Tribune. “China Tourism Development Forum” (A special column). (2015, Vol. 30, Issue 11-12)
    • Guest Co-Editor (with Prof. Donghoon Kim). Journal of Business Research, Special Issue on “Advancing Research Methods in Marketing” (2013, Vol. 66, Issue 9)
    • Guest Co-Editor (with Dr. Kam Hung). Journal of China Tourism Research, Special Issue on “Chinese Consumer Behaviors and Psychology in Tourism Settings” (2012, Vol. 8, Issue 4)
    • Associate Editor, Tourism Management, July 2022 to present
    • Regional Editor (North America), Anatolia: An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research, Feb. 2020 to present
    • Past and present Editorial Review Board/Advisory Board:  Journal of Travel Research, Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, Journal of China Tourism Research, Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Tourism Tribune (旅游学刊), Tourism Review International, Tourism and Hospitality Prospect (旅游导刊), Tourism Economics, Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, Tourism Management, Tourism Science (旅游科学), Journal of Smart Tourism, Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science (formerly Journal of Global Academy of Marketing Science), Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Leisure Research, Tourism Analysis, “Advances in Culture, Tourism and Hospitality” book series
    • Deputy Executive Editor, Tourism Tribune (旅游学刊) (published in Chinese), Sept. 2018 to Sept. 2021

    For conferences, associations, industry, and community

    • Executive Board of Directors. The Travel and Tourism Research Association (TTRA). July 2024 to June 2028
    • Second Vice President. July 2024-June 2025
    • First Vice President. July 2025-June 2026
    • President. July 2026-June 2027
    • Chair of the board. July 2027-June 2028
    • Co-Track Chair (with Drs. Xingyu Huang, Hyunsu Kim, and Kevin So). “Envisioning the Future of Hospitality and Tourism Research: Innovative Theorization, Advanced Data, and New Insights” track. 2025 Global Marketing Conference, Hong Kong, China. July, 2025 (In preparation)
    • Co-Track Chair (with Drs. Hongbo Liu, Lu Lu, Kevin So and Sameer Hosany). “Envisioning the Digital Future of Tourism and Hospitality” track. 2023 Global Marketing Conference, Seoul Korea. July, 2023
    • Facilitator. The U.S.-Asia Center for Tourism and Hospitality Research as an official Knowledge Partner of the World Travel & Tourism Council. July 2021 to present
    • Allied Co-chair & Board Director. Greater Philadelphia Hotel Association. May – Dec. 2021
    • Conference chair. Tourism, Hospitality & Events Global Higher Education Leadership Summit 2021(T.H.E. Summit 2021), co-hosted by the Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management and the U.S.-Asia Center for Tourism & Hospitality Research, Temple University. (virtual conference)
    • Member. Fundraising initiative of Temple Chinese faculty and staff community, donating 100,000+ personal protective equipment items to Temple Hospital. Apr. 2020
    • Co-Track Chair (with Dr. Kevin So). “Service Innovation and Emerging Technologies in Tourism and Hospitality” track. 2020 Global Marketing Conference, Virtual Conference. Nov. 2020
    • Board Director.  The Travel and Tourism Research Association (TTRA). June 2019 to June 2024
    • Editor-in-chief. T▪You (nklvyouzhishi, 绿柚智识). Social media platform (in Chinese) for tourism research. July 2015 to July 2019
    • Co-Track Chair (with Drs Kevin So, Ye Chen, and Qionglei Yu). “Tourism Marketing” track. 2019 China Marketing International Conference (CMIC), Guangzhou, China. July 2019
    • Program Co-Chair (with Dr. Qu Xiao). China Tourism Forum 2019 – USA. Philadelphia, US. July 2019
    • Co-Track Chair (with Dr. Kevin So). Customer Engagement in Tourism and Hospitality Services” track. 2018 Global Marketing Conference, Tokyo Japan. July, 2018
    • Judge. The CHEI Challenge: Unlocking Career SUCCESS. Final Competition. Marriott China Hospitality Education Initiative (CHEI) 2018 Teaching Conference. July, 2018
    • Co-Track Chair (with Dr. Scott Cohen). “Transcultural experiences within and beyond hometrack. 2016 Global Marketing Conference, Hong Kong, China. July, 2016
    • Judge. Caribbean Students Colloquium. Caribbean Tourism Organization. June 2016
    • Track Chair. Emerging-market Tourist Behavior” track. 2014 Global Marketing Conference, Singapore. Jul 2014
    • Member. Global Insights Advisory Council for Brand USA (formerly the Corporation for Tourism Promotion). 2012-2013
    • Executive Committee Member (2013-2017) and Chair of the Best Emerging Scholar in Tourism (B.E.S.T.) Committee. The International Tourism Studies Association (ITSA). Aug. 2012-Nov. 2017
    • Academic Paper Chair. The 2012 Annual International Conference of the Travel and Tourism Research Association (TTRA), Virginia Beach, VA.
    • Invited Panelist. U.S. Travel-Academic Meeting on “Travel Benefits Research.” U.S. Travel Association. Washington, DC. Nov. 14-15, 2011. (participated via conference call)
    • Co-Track Chair (with Prof. Donghoon Kim). “Advancing Research Methods in Marketing” track. 2010 Global Marketing Conference, Tokyo, Japan. Sept. 2010
    • Board Member.  The Southeast States Chapter of the Travel and Tourism Research Association (SETTRA). June 2010 to June 2012
    • Co-Chair of the Scientific and Organizing Committee and Co-Editor of the conference proceedings (with Prof. Leonardo (Don) Dioko). The 3rd International Conference on Destination Branding and Marketing, Macao, China. Dec. 2009