Shen, Luxi(沈璐希)

BS (Fudan); MBA, PhD (Chicago Booth)

Associate Professor


Department of Marketing

Room 1126, 11/F
Cheng Yu Tung Building
12 Chak Cheung Street
Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong

+852 3943 9552


Professor Luxi Shen received her MBA and PhD from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business in 2014 and joined CUHK Business School in 2014.

Professor Shen is a behavioral scientist who studies judgment, decision-making, and behaviors under uncertainty. She conducts lab and field experiments to find the positive effects of uncertainty and examine how to utilize risk and uncertainty in pricing strategies and incentive designs to boost engagement. For example, she explores when and why consumers expend more effort and time to earn an uncertain reward than a certain reward. Professor Shen’s work has been published in top academic journals, including the Journal of Consumer Research, the Journal of Marketing Research, Management Science, Psychological Science, and Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes.

For her research contributions, Professor Shen was named MSI Young Scholar by the Marketing Science Institute in 2019 for her early career achievements. She has also received the runner-up of the 2015 Hillel Einhorn New Investigator Award by the Society for Judgment and Decision Making and the Honorable Mention of the 2020 Ferber Award for the best dissertation-based article in the Journal of Consumer Research by the Association for Consumer Research.

For her teaching achievements, Professor Shen was named Best 40-under-40 MBA Professor by Peots&Quants in 2024. She currently teaches Marketing Management and Business Negotiation and is engaged in numerous activities with students and alumni in the CUHK MBA community.

Teaching Areas

Marketing Management
Strategic Marketing
Business Negotiation
Behavioral Decision Making

Research Interests

Judgement and Decision Making
Consumer Behaviour
Uncertainty, Risk, and Luck
Pricing Strategy and Incentive Design

  • Grants
    • “Doing versus Deciding: How Do People Make Exit Decisions in Reward Pursuit?” General Research Fund awarded by Research Grants Council, 2023-2026
    • “The Continuity Hypothesis: How and Why Uncertain Incentives Matter Differently In-Prospect and In-Process”, General Research Fund awarded by Research Grants Council, 2017-2021
    • “The Fun and Function of Uncertainty: How Uncertain Incentives Drive Behaviour”, Early Career Scheme awarded by Research Grants Council, 2015-2018
  • Awards & Honours
    • Ferber Award (for the best dissertation-based article in the Journal of Consumer Research) Honorable Mention, Association for Consumer Research, 2020
    • Faculty Teaching Merit Award, CUHK Business School, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2015-16, 2016-17, 2017-18
    • Marketing Science Institute (MSI) Young Scholar, Marketing Science Institute, 2019
    • Dean’s Nomination of University Education Award, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2016
    • Hillel Einhorn New Investigator Award Runner-Up, Society for Judgment and Decision Making, 2015