Tieben, Hendrik(田恆德)
DSc, Post Dipl. (ETH Zurich); Dipl. Arch (TUBS)

Professor (by Courtesy), School of Hotel and Tourism Management
School Director and Professor, School of Architecture
Room 306, Lee Shau Kee Architecture Building,
CUHK, Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong
+852 3943 8095
Hendrik TIEBEN is an architect, researcher and educator devoted to the creation of healthy and inclusive cities. He joined CUHK in 2006 and previously served as the Founding Director of the Master of Science in Urban Design programme, and Associate Director of the B.S.Sc. in Urban Studies programme. Prof. Tieben received his architecture education in Germany, Italy and Switzerland and holds a Doctor of Science degree from ETH Zurich. He is a registered architect in Germany (AKNW) and a Founding Member and academic advisor of the Hong Kong Institute of Urban Design.
Over the past few years, Professor Tieben developed a series of public space and placemaking projects to empower local communities, which were featured in international publications and biennale exhibitions. He served as an editorial board member of the ICE Journal Urban Design and Planning and scientific board member of the International Forum on Urbanism. In his current research, Professor Tieben focuses on the relationships between urban forms, health and wellbeing. One of his latest projects was the global initiative “2020: A Year without Public Space under the COVID19 Pandemic”, a collaboration with the Journal of Public Space (a partner of UN Habitat) which attracted attendees from more than 80 countries.
Research Interests
Urban Design
History and Theory
Sustainable Communities
Public Space
Community Empowerment
- Publications & Working Papers
- Y.F. Chen and H. Tieben (2021), “Reflections on Emerging Public Space Design Approaches in Hong Kong.” In M. Mitrasinovic and T. Jachna, Public Space in a Chinese Megaregion: Contemporary Urban Practices and Design Strategies of the Greater Bay Area, Routledge (in print).
- Cate Christ and H. Tieben (2020), “Magic Lanes: A Place Making Approach for Laneway Spaces in Hong Kong.” In An Urban Vernacular in Times of Globalization, edited by M. Gibert-Flutre and H. Imai, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 165-186.
- B. Ahl and H. Tieben (2015), “Modern Chinese Court Buildings, Regime Legitimacy and the Public,” International Journal for the Semiotics of Law.
- H. Tieben, E. Baniassad, S. Govada, and H. Grace (2014), “Measuring community benefit in public space transformation: A case study of Centre Street, Sai Ying Pun, Hong Kong,” New Urban Configurations, IOS Press & Delft University Press, 535 – 544.
- H. Tieben and S. Govada (2013), “Negotiating and Designing Public Space – Experiences with a new M.Sc. in Urban Design Program in Hong Kong,” IN_BO. Ricerche e progetti per il territorio, la citta e l’architettura, Vol. 4, n. 1., 187-222.
- H. Tieben (2013), “Hong Kong’s Urban Transformation 2005–2012: A Review and Outlook, in FutureArc,” March-April, Vol. 29 (urban edition reviewing 10 years of transformation of four Asian cities), 50-59.
- H. Tieben (2011), “Emerging Cross Border Tourism Region Macau-Zhuhai: Place to Play/Place in Play,” ARA Journal of Tourism Research/Revista de Investigacion en Turismo, 3(2), 143-151.
- H. Tieben (2011), “Cities and Design Rules: An Architect’s Approach,” Urban Morphology, 15(2) October, 163-167.
- H. Tieben (2011), “Bi-City Macau & Zhuhai – More Happiness with Big Plans Ahead?” Domus China, September, 57, 118-121.
- T. Chung and H. Tieben (2009), “Macau: Architecture and urbanism in the first post-handover decade,” 1999-2009, editorial, World Architecture 234, 12, 18-20.
- H. Tieben (2009), “Urban Image Construction in Macau in the First Decade After the ‘Handover’, 1999-2008,” Journal of Current Chinese Affairs, vol. XXXVIII , 1, 49-72.
- Awards & Honours
- Best Paper Award, 6th IFoU Conference, TOURbanism-toURBANISM, Catalonia Politechnic University (UPC), Barcelona, 2012
- Best Paper Award, 4th IFoU Conference, The New Urban Question – Urbanism beyond Neo-liberalism”, TU Delft, Amsterdam & Delft, Netherlands, 2009
- Doctoral Scholarship, ETH Zurich, 1999-2002
- Fellow of the German National Academic Foundation, 1990−1995
- Academic/Professional Services
- Founding Member and Academic Advisor, Hong Kong Institute of Urban Design (HKIUD)
- AIA International Associate Member
- Registered Architect (NRW Germany), Architektenkammer Nordrhein-Westfalen (AKNW)