Yang, Haibin(楊海濱)

BS (Renmin U); MBA (Peking U); PhD (UT Dallas)

Director, MSc in Sustainable Global Business Programme
Associate Director, Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) Programme


Department of Management

Room 806, 8/F
Cheng Yu Tung Building
12 Chak Cheung Street
Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong

+852 3943 7814



Prof. Haibin Yang received his PhD in Strategic Management from University of Texas at Dallas. His research interests include strategic networks, innovation, entrepreneurship, and transition economy. His teaching interests are strategic management, international business, and China business. His research works have appeared in various top-tier management journals such as Academy of Management Journal, Strategic Management Journal, Management Science and Journal of Management, etc. He was named the “Chang-Jiang Scholar Chair Professor” in 2016.

Teaching Area

Strategic Management

Research Interests
Strategic Networks
Market Competition in China

  • Grants
    • “The Impact of Environmental Uncertainty on Corporate philanthropy: Evidence from a Transition Economy”, Competitive Earmarked Research Grant awarded by Hong Kong Research Grant Council with HK$364,120, 2015-2018 (Principal Investigator)
    • “Relational Ambidexterity and the Search for New Partners”, Competitive Earmarked Research Grant awarded by Hong Kong Research Grant Council with HK$322,133, 2021-2022 (Principal Investigator)
  • Academic/Professional Services
    • Area Editor, Quarterly Journal of Management, 2019-Present
    • Editorial Board Member, Strategic Management Journal, 2013-Present
    • Editorial Board Member, Journal of Management Studies, 2020-Present
    • Editorial Board Member, Journal of Marketing Science, 2013-Present
    • Editorial Board Member, Long Range Planning, 2012-Present
    • Editorial Board Member, Journal of World Business, 2006-Present