Info Session & Master Class on “Creating Competitive Advantage in Branding” & Individual Coffee Chat in Shenzhen

It is time to Learn, Unlearn and Relearn with CUHK EMBA. Our admission team will visit Shenzhen to meet with you in person exploring your candidacy to the first EMBA programme in Hong Kong.

You are invited to join the info session and master class, and individual coffee chat session of the top-notch management talent nurturing programme, where you will:

  • Learn about CUHK EMBA programme highlights.
  • Hear our alumni stories about their unique EMBA experiences, career advancement and personal growth through EMBA study.
  • Meet the admissions staff and receive personalised advice on your EMBA candidacy.


Each mobile phone has several key attributes (camera resolution, size, storage). Does it have an attribute (such as foldable) that all the other mobile phones do not have? If two mobile phones have the same camera resolution, the consumers will consider which mobile phone can take picture with better quality after Zooming in many times. Will you keep buying the new model from the same “brand” of mobile phone even if the new model does not have the new attribute of another brand of mobile phone, or has poorer performance in certain attribute?

In this master class, Prof. Howard Lam, Director of CUHK EMBA Programme and Associate Professor of Practice in Marketing will integrate theory with practice in elaborating how to create competitive advantage in branding, and illustrate with examples on how you can use three strategies to create competitive advantages for your brand:

  1. When all competitors do not have, your brand has a “new” attribute. (人無我有)
  2. When all competitors have an attribute, your brand has a “better” attribute. (人有我優)
  3. When all competitors have very good attributes respectively in their specific functions, your brand is significantly better than them “overall”.(人優我異)

About the Speaker:

Prof. Howard Lam is the Director of Executive MBA Programme and Associate Professor of Practice in Marketing at CUHK Business School. Before joining the academia, he was head of marketing or general manager with rich commercial experience. He had worked at P&G, McDonald’s, Coca-Cola and other multinational companies. Prof. Lam is passionate about solving business problems and developing new theories and frameworks through research.

Event Details:

Info Session & Master Class:
Date: 25 March 2023 (Saturday)
Time: 10:30am – 12:00nn
Venue: The Ritz-Carlton, Shenzhen

Individual Coffee Chat:
Date: 24-27 March 2023 (Friday – Monday)
Time: Our admission team will contact you individually to schedule a time
Venue: The Ritz-Carlton, Shenzhen