Business Leaders Series Welcomes Innovation and Technology Expert

The Business Leaders Series titled “The Importance of Innovation and Technology in Delivering Hong Kong’s Liveable City Agenda” featured Mr. Nicholas Brooke, Immediate Past Chairman of the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation.

The Business Leaders Series, featuring Mr. Nicholas Brooke, Immediate Past Chairman of the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation, was held on Friday, 19 May at the Cheng Yu Tung Building. Almost 100 participants, including students, alumni and business professionals, came to hear his inspiring discussion titled “The Importance of Innovation and Technology in Delivering Hong Kong’s Liveable City Agenda.”

Mr. Brooke is a recognised authority on land administration and town planning. During his presentation, he focused on the importance of embracing innovation and technology to make Hong Kong a greener, smarter city. He also discussed the significant role of Hong Kong Science Park and how it provides the ecosystem needed to support long-term development. “Part of Hong Kong’s DNA is our ability to adapt and respond to change. Innovation, which is frequently enabled by technology, is fundamentally changing our everyday lives. As we move forward in this new millennium, innovation and technology are indispensable to creating an excellent quality of life in a metropolitan city like Hong Kong.”

“I truly enjoyed the Q&A session, which was most fascinating. The more we can share with each other, the more we can learn from each other. I do hope students and alumni benefit from the interactive discussion on this hot topic and that it sparks a debate that continues into the future,” Mr. Brooke added.

Business School Dean Prof. Kalok Chan was very pleased with the feedback the event received. “I would like to thank Mr. Brooke for sharing his insights, which encouraged the audience to consider where we are in regards to innovation and technology, which are pressing issues for Hong Kong. I am particularly interested to see how our students and alumni will be inspired by the wisdom of this talented speaker, who is an influential game changer.”

Spanning a range of disciplines, the Business Leaders Series welcomes individuals who are distinguished in their respective industries. It provides them an opportunity to share their expertise and experiences to help their audience stay up-to-date on business developments within a rapidly shifting economy.

This article was first published in the alumni website by CUHK Business School’s Alumni and Corporate Affairs Office on 15 June 2017.