Business Lecture Series and Beta Gamma Sigma CUHK Chapter Honoree Award Presentation

Attended by some 200 business students on 16 March 2023, the Business Lecture Series discussed “From Profit to Impact” and the Beta Gamma Sigma CUHK Chapter Honoree Award Presentation was held in the occasion.

With an aim to expand the horizon and provide meaningful career guidance for CUHK Undergraduate students, the Business Lecture Series invites guest speakers across different fields to share their life and professional experiences. Mr. Leong Cheung (BBA 1994), recipient of the Beta Gamma Sigma CUHK Chapter Honoree Award 2022, gave an inspiring lecture on how he intertwined business acumen with creating social value.

The Beta Gamma Sigma Honoree Award recognises individuals who have made significant contributions to business and society through their exemplary work. The award is given annually to a limited number of recipients through nomination and approval by the Beta Gamma Sigma Board of Governors.

Professor Lin Zhou, Dean of CUHK Business School, said in the welcome remark, “Mr. Cheung has inherited CUHK’s strong spirit of giving back. He is an excellent example of a service leader, driving different organisations to bring positive impact to society.”

Professor Lin Zhou, Dean of CUHK Business School, welcomed all participants.

Mr. Leong Cheung (BBA 1994) (right) received the Beta Gamma Sigma CUHK Chapter Honoree Award from Professor Lin Zhou (left).

Professor Lin Zhou and Dr. Fred Ku, Associate Dean (Undergraduate Studies) warmly congratulated Mr. Cheung for his outstanding performance and commitment to society.

Mr. Cheung walked the participants through his journey “From Profit to Impact” – how he navigated his career from business consultancy to managing manufacturing projects; and from co-founding a social enterprise to previously leading one of the world’s largest charities donors as Executive Director of Charities and Community at The Hong Kong Jockey Club.

Speaking of his experience from a business leader to an impact driver, Mr. Cheung encouraged the students to apply their knowledge of business management to tackle social challenges and make a difference in society.

“What you learn in Business School does not only come with a dollar sign. It also can be used to create social impact.”

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Wrapping up the event, Dr. Fred Ku expressed his heartfelt gratitude to Mr. Cheung’s genuine sharing and the students’ enthusiasm in the Q&A session. To close, he encouraged the students to follow the footsteps of Mr. Cheung, “It is equally important that you give back to the community and help someone in need”.

Dr. Fred Ku, Associate Dean (Undergraduate Studies) delivered a closing address for the event.