MBA Summer Happy Hour Brings Friends Together

On 9 May, over 150 alumni, students and faculty members gathered at Jamie’s Italian for an MBA Happy Hour. The networking event provided a valuable opportunity for alumni and students to get to know each other.

On 9 May, over 150 alumni, students and faculty members gathered at Jamie’s Italian for an MBA Happy Hour. The networking event provided a valuable opportunity for alumni and students to get to know each other, and catch up with the latest Business School updates.

The event started with a welcome address from Mr. Lawrence Chan, Director of Marketing and Student Recruiting for MBA and Master Programmes. Afterwards, Ms. Anne Evanno, Assistant Director of Career Services for MBA Programmes, briefed everyone on the new MBA Mentorship Programme and urged alumni to participate in this great undertaking. Finally, Ms. Elsie Tsui, Project Director of the Centre for Entrepreneurship, introduced an elective on social entrepreneurship and impact investment, which would appeal to many prospective students.

The highlight of the gathering was a toast led by Prof. Angela Ng, Associate Dean of Global Engagement and External Relations. Another wonderful moment took place when faculty members thanked alumni for their continuing support of the Business School and a group photo captured the happy feeling felt throughout the night.

Organised by the Alumni and Corporate Affairs Office, Happy Hour events are held regularly to connect MBA alumni and students in an informal setting. We look forward to meeting with more alumni in the near future.

This article was first published in the alumni website by CUHK Business School’s Alumni and Corporate Affairs Office on 1 June 2017.