Student Ambassadors Give Real Outlook of Student Life to Prospective Students

If you are one of these students and are planning for further studies, you may find yourself at the crossroads of choosing which programme to study in, and which JUPAS programme choices you should explore further.

With the summer break starting in July, and what feels like a sprint until school starts again in September, thousands of S.6 students are eagerly waiting for their HKDSE results to be released in mid-July, some are already in the process of making future studies plans.

If you are one of these students and are planning for further studies, you may find yourself at the crossroads of choosing which programme to study in, and which JUPAS programme choices you should explore further. While you may take the programme reputation, employment outlook, campus life, or even the university’s location into consideration, the most important factor comes down to choosing a suitable programme for yourself. Does the programme provide you with a well-rounded education? What sort of opportunities are offered for personal and professional growth? Does the programme match your career aspiration? How has the university experience been like for the current undergraduate students?

CUHK Business School has a group of exuberant student ambassadors from various business programmes to assist you in this transition from secondary school to university, by providing you with help and advice on making an informed choice when planning your future studies, tips on how to enrich your university life, and opportunities offered at the Business School. James Cheng, a first-year student from the Integrated BBA Programme, is one of them.

“Serving as a student ambassador gives me a precious opportunity to share my experience with the prospective students. Talking to fellow students reminds me of what I went through this time last year, as I faced similar difficulties when finalising my JUPAS choices. The student ambassadors’ answers to my future studies inquiries were really helpful. This year, I am pleased to find myself in the same role to offer help and answer your questions. Wish you every luck in the upcoming HKDSE result announcement.” said Cheng.

By sharing their learning experience in the Business School through various admission activities, such as Orientation Day and secondary school visits, student ambassadors offer prospective students a peek of the university life and invaluable insights into how to prepare for the challenges faced in the University.

“The transition from secondary school to university can be very perplexing, worrying and somehow frustrating. Anticipating the release of the HKDSE exam results, deciding on which programme to study for the coming four years, and which university to go to can make students rather anxious and powerless. This is fully understandable and normal as I have been through the same phase, too. Thanks to CUHK Business School, I have been rendered a great deal of opportunities to try out new things, especially with the Student Ambassador Programme as it allows me to reach out and help those who are in the transitional period. As student ambassadors, we will be right by your side to provide as much help and information as we can. Come along and ask us questions or have a chat with us! Let’s walk through the murkiness of bewilderment and wait for the vivid dawn together!” shared Carmen Chan (Hotel & Tourism Management, Year 1).

Don’t be shy!

Let our student ambassadors know if you have any questions about further studies! Whether you are a local secondary school student or an overseas student interested in studying business in Hong Kong or at CUHK, feel free to contact our ambassadors for help and advice! We are always happy to help!

Contact our student ambassadors through Email or Facebook inbox.

This article was first published in CU iBUS (July 2017 issue) by the Undergraduate Office, CUHK Business School.