Gong, Xiting(龔錫挺)
BS, MA, PhD (Peking U)
Contact Room 906, 9/FCheng Yu Tung Building
12 Chak Cheung Street
Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong
+852 3943 7650
Professor Xiting Gong is a Professor in the Department of Decisions, Operations and Technology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) Business School. He also holds a courtesy appointment in the Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management. Prior to joining CUHK, he worked as a postdoctoral research fellow at The University of Michigan. He received a bachelor’s degree in applied mathematics and a master’s degree and a PhD degree in management science, all from Peking University. His research area is operations management, with main research interests in stochastic inventory theory and applications, revenue management and pricing, and approximation and data-driven algorithms. His research projects have been funded by several ECS/GRF grants from the RGC of Hong Kong, NSFC National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars (2024), and an industry grant from Huawei. He is an associate editor for Naval Research Logistics and Operations Research Letters.
Teaching Areas
Business Analytics
Operations and Supply Chain Management
Research Interests
Operations and Supply Chain Management
Inventory Management
Data-driven and Approximation Algorithms
- Publications & Working Papers
- J. Bu, X. Gong, and X. Chao (2024), “Asymptotic scaling of optimal cost and asymptotic optimality of base-stock policy in several multi-dimensional inventory systems,” Operations Research, 72(5): 1765-1774.
- X. Gong and S. Liu (2024), “Managing hybrid manufacturing/remanufacturing inventory systems with random production capacities,” Production and Operations Management, 33(7): 1518–1534.
- J. Bu, X. Gong, and X. Chao (2023), “Asymptotic optimality of base-stock policies for perishable inventory systems,” Management Science, 69(2): 846-864.
- X. Gong, F. Y. Chen, and Q. Yuan (2022), “Coordinating inventory and pricing decisions under total minimum commitment contracts,” Production and Operations Management, 31(2), 511-528.
- X. Gong and T. Wang (2021), “Preservation of additive convexity and its applications in stochastic optimization problems,” Operations Research, 69(4), 1015-1024.
- K. Fu, X. Gong, V.N. Hsu, and J. Xue (2021), “Dynamic inventory management with inventory-based financing,” Production and Operations Management, 30(5), 1313-1330.
- T. Chen, X. Gong, Q. Li, and H. Xu (2021), “Multi-season production planning under export quotas,” Naval Research Logistics, 68(3), 279-294.
- J. Bu, X. Gong, and D. Yao (2020), “Constant-order policies for lost-sales inventory models with random supply functions: Asymptotics and heuristic“, Operations Research, 68(4), 1063-1073.
- K. Fu, X. Gong, and G. Liang (2019), “Managing perishable inventory systems with product returns and remanufacturing,” Production and Operations Management, 28(6), 1366-1386.
- X. Chao, X. Gong, C. Shi, C. Yang, H. Zhang, and S.X. Zhou (2018), “Approximation algorithms for capacitated perishable inventory systems with positive lead times,” Management Science, 64(11), 5038-5061.
- T. Wang, X. Gong, and S.X. Zhou (2017), “Dynamic inventory management with total minimum order commitments and two supply options,” Operations Research, 65(5), 1285-1302.
- X. Chao, X. Gong, C. Shi, and H. Zhang (2015). “Approximation algorithms for perishable inventory systems,” Operations Research, 63(3), 585-601.
- X. Gong, X. Chao, and S. Zheng (2014). “Dynamic pricing and inventory management with dual suppliers of different lead times and disruption risks,” Production and Operations Management, 23(12), 2058-2074.
- W. Zhou, X. Chao, and X. Gong (2014). “Optimal uniform pricing strategy of a service firm when facing two classes of customers,” Production and Operations Management, 23(4), 676-688.
- X. Gong, X. Chao, and D. Simchi-Levi (2014), “Dynamic inventory control with limited capital and short-term financing,” Naval Research Logistics, 61(3), 184-201.
- X. Gong and S. X. Zhou (2013), “Optimal production planning with emissions trading,” Operations Research, 61(4), 908-924.
- X. Gong and X. Chao (2013), “Optimal control policy for capacitated inventory systems with remanufacturing,” Operations Research, 61(3), 603-611.