CUHK Business School announces the Faculty Teaching Excellence Award 2022-23

The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) Business School is proud to announce the Faculty Teaching Excellence Award (FTEA) 2022-23, which celebrates the outstanding teaching performance and achievements of its faculty members.

The FTEA was introduced in 2014-15 academic year and has since encouraged faculty members to strive to provide an optimal learning experience for students. The award is a testament to the School’s commitment to inspiring and nurturing the future generation of business leaders. Each year, the School’s students and academic staff nominate outstanding teachers or colleagues for consideration by a selection panel.

The awardees for the 2022-23 academic year are:

General Faculty Members

Professor Dai Xianchi, Department of Marketing

Professor Griffin Jiang Wenxi, Department of Finance

Early Career Faculty Members

Professor Willow Wu You , Department of Management

The award presentation ceremony took place on 9 May 2024, where Professor Zhou Lin, dean of CUHK Business School, presented the awards to the deserving recipients. The awardees expressed their gratitude to those who have supported them in achieving this honour.

Professor Zhou Lin (right), dean of CUHK Business School, presents the Faculty Teaching Excellence Award to Professor Griffin Jiang Wenxi (middle left) and Professor Willow Wu You (middle right), witnessed by Professor Zhang Meng (left), associate dean (teaching and learning)

Two of the awardees of the Faculty Teaching Excellence Award 2022-23, Professor Griffin Jiang Wenxi (right) and Professor Willow Wu You (left)

Professor Dai Xianchi

I am deeply honoured to receive this prestigious award. It inspires me to continue striving for excellence in teaching and learning. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank my students and colleagues. This is simply not possible without their help and encouragement.

Professor Griffin Jiang Wenxi

I am deeply honoured to receive the Faculty Teaching Excellence Award. I began my academic career here at CUHK Business School and have greatly benefited from its strong support and collegial environment. I’m thrilled that my approach of integrating cutting-edge research into the classroom resonates with our students.

Professor Willow Wu You

I am deeply honoured to receive the Faculty Teaching Excellence Award. I express my heartfelt gratitude to my students for their enthusiasm and engagement, my colleagues for their invaluable assistance and shared teaching wisdom, and our faculty for the unwavering support and guidance. This award is a recognition of our collective dedication to shaping the future of education.